Connected Histories, Shared Present: Cross-Cultural Experiences between Latin America, the Caribbean and India’ on 20-22, 2023, India International Centre, New Delhi


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Seminar Halls I, II & III, First Floor, Kamaladevi Complex

2:00 pm to 3:30 pm: Working Session 7

Panel Discussion: Common Challenges and Concerns

Chair:  Ambassador Deepak Bhojwani

This session will attempt to frame our present conversations and concerns as world citizens. It will look at development models and alternative civilizational visions that can be visualised in the context of the recent experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Deepak Bhojwaniserved in the Ministry of External Affairs and the office of the Prime Minister of India. He was posted in Spain, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Czech Republic. From 2000 till 2003, he was Consul General in Sao Paulo, Brazil, then Ambassador to Venezuela (2003–06), Colombia (2007–10), and Cuba (2019–12), concurrently accredited to Ecuador, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. He is the author of Latin America, the Caribbean and India: Promise and Challenge (2015), and has written and lectured extensively on Latin America and the Caribbean and its relations with India. His consultancy, LATINDIA seeks to build bridges between India and Latin America.

HernánLucenaMolero is Professor of History at the Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Mérida-Venezuela. A specialist in Indian diaspora studies in the Caribbean, and the political history of India, he is Founder and Director of the Centro de Estudios de África, Asia, DiásporasLatinoamericanas y Caribeñas, ‘Dr. José Manuel BriceñoMonzillo’ (CEAA-ULA), and editor of its publications, Humania del Sur and Cuadernos de la India (‘India Notebooks’). He is also Coordinator of the Cátedra Libre India Siglo XXI, analyzing the India of yesterday and today, and was National Secretary of the Latin American Association of Asian and African Studies (ALADAA-Venezuela).

Rafael Gustavo Miranda Delgado is professor at the Universidad de Los Andes and at the International University of La Rioja Spain. He is Co-founder and Director of Development and Democracy Studies Research Group (GISEDD). He has authored more than 40 articles on development, democracy, and autonomy in Latin America published in academic journals in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa.

Siddharth Varadarajan is a founding editor of The Wire. He was earlier the editor of The Hindu. Varadarajan has taught economics at New York University and journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the recipient of the Order of Bernardo O’Higgins, Chile’s highest civilian honour for non-Chileans.

AparajitaGangopadhyay is currently Dean, School of International and Area Studies at Goa University Goa, India. She was designated as Visiting Professor Extraordinary by the Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina. She has been an invited speaker to universities and institutions abroad in Argentina, Brazil, Taiwan, France, Poland and Lithuania among others.  She was a member of the Indian Delegation to Brazil as part of the Government of India’s India‒Brazil 1.5 Dialogue in 2013. She has published widely on India‒Latin America relations, India’s foreign policy, India’s diaspora policy, Argentina‒Brazil relations, and regional integration.

Varun Sahniis Professor in International Politics at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He speaks regularly at National Defence College (NDC) and was Jury Member of the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding. He writes on nuclear deterrence, regional security, emerging balances in the Asia-Pacific, evolving security concepts, emerging powers, international relations theory, technology, river waters, and Latin America. He has held visiting posts at important universities in Mexico City, Washington, DC and Canberra. Conferred with the prestigious VKRV Rao Prize in Social Sciences for 2006, he has served as the 10th Vice-Chancellor of University of Jammu and 8th Vice-Chancellor of Goa University.

Ash Narain Roy is one of the senior-most researchers in India on Latin American affairs having joined the MPhil/PhD programme of JNU in 1977.  In 1980, he received the Mexican Government’s fellowship under the first Indo-Mexican Cultural Exchange Programme, and was Visiting Scholar atEl Colegio de Mexico, where he contributed to Cuadernos del Tercer Mundo journal and El Dia daily, and wrote chapters for the encyclopedic publication, Guias del Tercer Mundo.Dr Roy was Assistant Editor Hindustan Times, 1990‒2001. In 1996, he was invited by the Brazilian government to interview President Cardoso on the eve of his India visit as Chief Guest on Republic Day. In 1999, the Matias Romero Institute, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, invited him on a lecture tour. He has authored/edited several books, published extensively in national and international journals, and presented papers at international seminars and conferences on media, Latin American affairs, democracy, local government, federalism, globalization and foreign policy.  He is member of the Board of Studies, Department of Foreign Languages of Aligarh Muslim University,and a member of the editorial boards of several journals. He is a regular columnist with The Statesman.He is currently Director, Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi.